Client case study. B2C to B2B.

Jan 12, 2024

My initially faced time constraints as a working mother with a full-time job and a business to run. She had a business-to-consumer (B2C) model that required her to see a high volume of clients to meet her income goals, which was not sustainable in the long run. We needed to address these challenges and restructure her business model for sustainability and growth.

Introducing B2B Offers and Scaling the Business

To address the unsustainable one-to-one model, we explored transitioning to a one-to-many model and integrating business-to-business (B2B) offers. This shift allowed for scalability and a more sustainable approach to reaching her target market. By leveraging B2B partnerships, grants, and funding, we were able to elevate her business and create a more impactful and financially viable model.

Building a Supportive Team

One of the key strategies we implemented was bringing in a team to support her business operations. This included an Online Business Manager (OBM), a website team, outsourced bookkeeping, and plans to bring in additional subcontractors in the future. By investing in expert support, she was able to focus on the higher-level aspects of her business and build stronger B2C and B2B relationships.

Embracing Speaking Opportunities

In addition to restructuring the business model, we identified speaking engagements as a valuable opportunity for her to showcase her expertise and expand her reach. By launching speaker packages, keynote workshops, and developing a speakers page on her website, she secured speaking gigs that further elevated her business and brand.

Executing the Strategy and Mindset Transformation

Beyond outlining the strategy, we focused on executing the plan and supporting her mindset transformation. This involved developing content pillars for social media, creating a speaking kit, and nurturing potential speaking opportunities. The client's confidence and faith in her business grew significantly, leading to a solid foundation for future growth and success.


As we plan for the future, my client's business has undergone a significant transformation. With a focus on B2B relationships, scalable business models, and a strong speaking presence, she is poised for continued growth and impact in her community. The combination of strategic execution and mindset transformation has positioned her for success in the coming years.

This client case study serves as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and innovation of rural and regional women in business. By addressing challenges, restructuring business models, and embracing new opportunities, rural entrepreneurs can achieve remarkable growth and impact. I hope this behind-the-scenes look at our client's journey has provided valuable insights and inspiration for your own business endeavors.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss your business model or would like to connect, feel free to book a free call with me below!

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