Is your business happening to you? Or are you leading with intention?

Jun 22, 2020


The end of the financial year is a fantastic time to pause and reflect on the last 12 months. Did you hit your income goals? What other non-income goals did you achieve?

But it is also a good time to analyse if the day-to-day function of your business is being led with intention that will land you where you want to be in five years.

And if you don’t have a vision for your next five years of business, this is now a fantastic time to create one. Think about what you want. Maybe it is a team of people. Maybe it is just an awesome automated selling machine. Maybe you want to be an in-demand speaker and lecturer.

Are the steps you are taking daily leading you towards that goal?

Or is your business happening to you?

If the day-to-day rat race of your business feels like a scramble these are some things that might be happening.

  • You have no idea where your next sale is going to come from

  • You are haphazardly showing up on platforms

  • You have a general idea of your financials

  • Your target market isn’t super specific

  • Your business processes and systems all live in your head

  • You are drowning in menial tasks

  • Planning beyond the end of the week seems impossible

You cannot sustain the constant rat race. It will take its toll on you. It’s an energy drain you may not even know you have. If you feel as though there is never a ding checklist for you to push through. You’ll never get to the end of it and propel yourself to the next level of business.

Imagine developing your business to a point where you know if you do X the result is Y. We want your business to be stable and predictable. Not a constant guessing game. So how do you stop this rat race? This feeling that your business is happening to you?

I am a firm believer in developing systems. Systems can exist around everything. They are repeatable tasks that happen in the exact same way at the same time over and over again.

Now typing into Google “how to develop systems for my business” is one way to start. But I think another way to get started is to look at the things you do over and over again.

  • posting on socials

  • onboarding new clients

  • packing orders

  • sending out invoices

  • managing your Facebook group

  • talking to your email list

  • promoting your products

Can you write down each and every step? As though you were to outsource or hand over to a team member?

Ensure there are no variations in the process or if there are variations they are documented and accounted for.

Starting with noting each step is the basis of building a business that can scale and grow- but also ultimately it creates a saleable business that exists outside of your head. It also means you have very clear steps about what you do and when. So rather than working through a constant task list, you accomplish tasks as they align with your overall business goals.

I am a huge fan of repeatable tasks that are just built into my business. These include a monthly review of goals, sales, and analytics. On a weekly basis, I have certain tasks designated for certain days.

The key thing to remember about systems is to create them strategically. You want all of your efforts to ensure they are moving you forward- not just creating busy work for you to procrastinate around.




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