Expert status, creating and leveraging
Oct 20, 2021
Are you going to buy from an industry blow-in? Someone who woke up overnight and decided to call themselves an “expert”. I hope not. I think a very scary part about the internet is the ease in which anyone can create a profile, totally unvetted. It is not THAT hard to make an amazing sales page and a killer Instagram feed and call yourself an expert.
So how do we create an authentic expert status to separate ourselves from the overnight successes? People that just decided to call themselves industry leaders.
Well, first of all, I think actions are louder than words. So leverage the actions and results of your clients to help solidify your expert status. Testimonials are powerful, but they can look a lot of different ways. It could be a client case study, you can do an IG Live with them in an interview style, ask for a video just share their story. Try to get creative when capturing testimonials, remember words are good but video and pictures to go along with it are even better!
Another strategy to become a REAL standout expert? Surround yourself with other experts and do so transparently. Who is your coach, who is your website developer, who do you go to for VA work, and who do you love working with? Share your tribe. An authentic expert is collaborative and has a team of supporters and cheerleaders that have been cultivated. It doesn’t have to be a B2B relationship either, it can just be your online business bestie or someone you love interacting with online.
Focus on live and video content. You can totally get a person’s vibe from live content and video content. So I encourage you to use the mediums to help boost your expert status. Pick subjects you can talk about passionately and thoroughly. You don’t have to go on 20-minute lectures to gain expert status, think bitesize and binge-worthy. The most important thing is so your audience sees how effortless your knowledge is.
HOT TIP. I always make bullet points for notes when I do lives or videos, I think it is great to have a general outline. I do not recommend scripting or rehearsing, that can actually detract from your status as an expert. You should be able to talk at length about your business, services, products, and the results you get for your clients.
Seek out opportunities and say yes to everything. If you want to be on multiple podcasts, pitch to podcasts. If you want to do a masterclass collaboration, make it happen. Becoming an expert doesn’t just happen. Sharing your knowledge and creating opportunities allows your audience and potential clients to get snippets of your wisdom.
If you are worried about “giving too much away” then you need to consider a few things. How can you continuously grow so you can continuously give? I like to look to books, mindset work, podcasts, and my own coaching for personal development. If you are always growing and learning in your business, you will always be able to give knowledge freely.
Think about the actions you can take today to create and further your expert status. You are so much more than a landing page and an Instagram feed.
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