Can you put a value on accountability?

May 22, 2020


As a business owner who are we accountable to really? We might have wages to pay and bills to pay. But going to work just to pay bills isn’t the reason most of us are in business.

Most of us felt the need for something bigger. To make an impact. To make a statement. To leave a legacy. But if we are so caught up in just paying bills, how are we going to find the path we need to go down to leave that legacy?

That’s why having a coach or mentor can mean the difference between just working to work, and building a business to be proud of. Someone that is going to hold you accountable to those bigger dreams. Someone that is going to make sure you’re working on your business and not just in it. Someone who sees your vision and helps you get there.

So can you put a price on accountability? Probably not.

Accountability can push you further than you thought possible. When you know someone is going to check in and see how far you’ve come, the pressure is on. You want to make sure that person sees what you’ve done.

And you feel a responsibility to not waste their time or yours. Time is one of the only things we can’t make more of and in the entrepreneurial world, it is SO valuable.

So next time you’re dreaming big or outlining your next big goal. Think about what that big dream would look like if you had someone holding you accountable every step along the way. If you had someone pushing you for more. Pushing you to make it better.

It might be scary to think of. But that fear is growth. And that growth is just another step towards your dream.




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