3 small steps to sustainable social media
Feb 16, 2022
As the world slowly becomes more self-aware and Earth conscious, you’ll hear the buzz word “sustainable” being thrown around more and more.
Sustainable just means able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
In terms of social media, being sustainable means creating habits and expectations that won’t burn you out.
As a social media manager, I see it all the time. You get a sudden burst of inspiration and post something off the cuff for your socials. You continue this for about a week but then you run out of inspo or time or it just slips your mind and before you know it, it’s been a month!
Then comes the guilt. You know you SHOULD be posting but just don’t have the time right now.
Here are my top three tips as a social media manager to consistently create content.
1. Be Realistic
Social media platforms reward consistency. How much content can you ACTUALLY create every month consistently? If that’s two feed posts per week (approx. 8 per month), then so be it.
Once you’re in the rhythm of creating that amount of content, then add more if you want. Try putting up a story every weekday, try a carousel post.
If reels are a bit too much for you to think about right now, then don’t worry about them.
Make it a goal that in 6 months, you’ll be posting x amount of feed posts, x amount of stories, x amount reels.
But for now, pick your number of posts and stick to it.
2. Use Content Pillars
Trust me, the less you have to think about when creating content, the easier it will be. I use the
following 4 content pillars:
● Personal - something about you, about your team, your workspace etc. this humanises your brand and builds a personal connection between you and your audience.
● Promo - Talk about your products/services. Make sure your audience actually knows what you’re selling.
● Educational - Show that you’re an expert in your industry. Be someone that people search to find more information about something.
● Engaging - Found a funny, relevant meme and want to share it? An inspirational quote? Go ahead. Need to do some market research? Ask your audience their opinion here.
If you’ve decided in step one that you can only consistently post 8 times per month, use each of the content pillars twice. How easy is that?
3. Use Templates
Yep, use templates. If you’re not a creative person, why are you trying to bust your ass creating pretty graphics? Canva has thousands of templates you can use if you’re already a member (the membership is WELL WORTH it too, especially for small biz).
Before I got into social media and was a VA, I bought a pack of 1500 social media templates for $29 from Social Chics and would just change the brand colours and make it relevant to me.
There is no shame in using templates at all!
There you have it! My 3 small steps to sustainable social media. Forget trying to do all the things. Your only goal is CONSISTENCY and QUALITY.
You’ve got this girl!
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